Rocky Mountain Men’s Prayer Advance

September 12-14, 2024
Silver State Baptist Camp

…men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1)

Not Far Away!

Last year’s Prayer Advance, according to most of the fellas, was the best one yet.  Here are some of the comments we have received through the years about the Prayer Advance:

Passionate! Informative! Helpful! Encouraging!  Powerful! Energetic!  The Preaching was right on! The music and singing were amazing. The “special hour of prayer” was life-changing. The fellowship was great!  The food was great.  The coffee was great.

We experienced a “youth camp” atmosphere. By that I mean that we needed to bring warmer clothes and rain gear along with our own bedding (mostly sleeping bags).

This last Advance was an unusual week for us. Lots of rain and cold weather. Even though the workers at the camp told us that the cold weather was rare we still want to be better prepared for the cold weather. The heaters will be turned on in the cabins and dorms.

Most of the men enjoyed the atmosphere of the tabernacle–A man’s tabernacle. Great sound, great piano, great preaching. However, we had no heat. So, this time we need to bring a sweater or light jacket for our sessions. 

Something very interesting: even during the inclement weather 50 plus men showed up for the target shooting (22 caliber or smaller). 

We are praying that this upcoming Advance will be the best yet.  September 12-14!

Including the breakout sessions, we are having 5 speakers (3 of them new to our RMMPA).

Last year we had several men who attended for the first time. Almost 100 percent of them are excited about coming back this coming fall.  

Things to remember:

  • Registration/check-in will begin at 10:30 AM on Thursday
  • Lunch will be provided at noon on Thursday and Saturday
  • The Prayer Advance is from noon-lunch on Thursday to noon-lunch on Saturday.

Breakout sessions:

Dealing with pornography, Ways to love your wife,  Reaching our youth, Motives of men in leadership, The pandemic of PTSD, 


Your own bedding, towels and washcloth, and toiletries.

View the rooms on our website.  Many will want to stay in the bunkhouse.

Warm coat (and rain gear)

Bible and notebook

Hunger for the Lord and His Word

Bring a friend.  Pay for your Pastor! We talked with a man whose goal is to sponsor Pastors. 

Attention all Volley Ball players–Bob Holmes (one man volleyball team) is taking on all comers. Should be exciting. 

If you have a 22 caliber or smaller gun you may want to participate in the target practice.

Your teenage sons will enjoy participating in or simply watching the shooting and the volley ball games. 

Alert: only self-contained campers are available. If you are bringing a camper that is self-contained, please call Clay Schreiber (303-322-5730).

Please do everything within your power to register online!

If you are not computer savvy, find someone who is and have them type in:

Otherwise, call us, and we will walk you through the registration process.  303-322-5730 (ask for Clay Schreiber)

Rocky Mountain Men’s Prayer Advance
September 12-14,2024
1254 N State Hwy 67, Sedalia, CO 80135

What Should You Expect from the Men’s Prayer Advance?

Spiritual atmosphere. It is electric! Men have come from around the world to experience it. God shows Himself real in so many aspects: the singing is passionate; the response is immediate; the testimonies are genuine.

Good preaching and teaching. We bring in seasoned preachers. They know our needs and are willing to confront us with the truth of the Word of God.

Prayer. One of the most common comments men make about the Advance is they appreciate the “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” Life changing! It always a blessing to see groups of men gather for prayer after the evening services.

Great accommodations. The dorms are very budget friendly for men. The mountain views and air are part of the refreshing atmosphere of the Advance. Heat will be turned on! 

Excellent food & coffee. In the surveys that men fill out they often mention the excellent food. Many of the men bring their thermoses and fill them with coffee to sip on during the day. Coffee is available all day long. Bottled water will be available, as well.

The time is here, fellas, to ramp up your recruitment of men to accompany you to the Advance. Teenagers welcome! Hopefully, you have put in for time off.
New this year: Enjoy the on-site shooting range (no larger than 22 caliber)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Fellas! We had an excellent time at the Wyo/Neb Mini Men’s Prayer Advance  in Wyoming at Camp Grace. 

We are looking forward to seeing these men at the Prayer Advance this coming September.

We recently had the opportunity to speak to the men at Treasure Mountain Bible Camp Men’s retreat. Passionate! Great singing! Great spirit! Extremely receptive and responsive to the preaching of the Word. Many said that they were coming to the Prayer Advance in September.  Glory! 

…men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1) Let’s Plan for a Challenge Dear Men, Our sincerest good wishes to you and yours for the new year. We trust that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your family and church. We look forward to seeing you again at the Rocky Mountain Men’s Prayer Advance this September. I hope you are already making plans to take the time off and attend! The Prayer Advance gets better every year — the spiritual impact on our lives gets deeper and richer with each conference. Every year God allows us to see new things at the Advance. Of course, we will gather for prayer, singing, and fellowship at the new location in 2024. And yes, we are glad to offer new prices that will make it possible for more men to attend. One thing that will not change is the spirit of revival, high-energy preaching, and God-honoring music that has punctuated the Advance these past several years. What Should You Expect from the Men’s Prayer Advance? Spiritual atmosphere. It is electric! Men have come from around the world to experience it. God shows Himself real in so many aspects —: the singing is passionate; the response is immediate; the testimonies are genuine. Excellent preaching and teaching. We bring in seasoned preachers. They know our needs and are willing to exhort and confront us with the truth of the Word of God. This year we will welcome three new speakers to the Advance. Prayer. One of the most common comments men make about the Advance is that they appreciate the “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” It is life-changing! It is always a blessing to see groups of men gather for prayer after the evening services. We encourage the men speakers to preach messages that God has laid on their hearts, but what sets us apart from other men’s retreats is that we pray before and after every session. Hence, the title of our time together includes the word “ “advance.” We are not retreating, but advancing in our relationship with God and in our relationships with others. Fantastic accommodation. The mountain views and air are part of the refreshing atmosphere of the Advance. The men’s dormitories are an affordable option for those on a tight budget. We learned from last year that we need to prepare for colder weather. The rain and cold we experienced were not common for that week of camp. However,, but that is what God provided for us. We have made sure that this time year the cabins and bunk room will be heated. Bring a sweater or warmer clothes for the tabernacle, which is not heated. Excellent food & coffee. In surveys after the conference last year, men mentioned the excellent food. The Friday night steak dinner was a big hit. Many of the men brought their thermoses and filled them with coffee to sip onto drink during the day. Coffee is available all day long, and . Bbottled water will also be available all day. Our speakers: If you were at this the last 2023 Prayer advance Advance you became acquainted with Evangelists Harold and Stephen Vaughan. Both father and son have a burden for revival and have a lot to say. We have a lot we need to hear! ! Tom Palmer spoke at our Nebraska/Wyoming Advance last year. He has a heartbeat for revival. You will greatly appreciateappreciate this servant of the Lord. . Evangelist Bob Holmes is a one-man volleyball team. He will “take on” all comers!. He has won thousands of young people to Christ throughout the world using his unique ability. He is a very effectivea highly effective speaker. Pastor Jono Scott will be speaking in a break-out session about the motives and activities of men in leadership (hHome, church, politics). Jono is a sought-after speaker and is involved inengages inwith the political/economic leadership in the city of Aurora, Colorado. Major Doug Carragher had an exemplary military career serving in three countries and overall in seven locations overall. By God’s grace, he was able to meet world leaders, including six U.S. presidents. . His numerous awards include 30 30 medamedalsls . . . and 10 ribbons. . He is also the thirty-ninth member of the US Army Recruiting and Retention Hall of Fame, residing which resides permanently in the Pentagon. Doug is the Founder and President of Wounded Spirits. He is a well sought-afterwell-sought-after speaker. Mark Magruder, EA ( Wealth Manager & Tax Advisor) will be available for counsel concerning finances. He has a heart for God and a desire to see men successfully following Biblical principles within their finances. The breakout sessions will focus on: Tthe Mmotives of lLeadership;. To summarize, tThe break-out sessions will be dealing with “motives of leadership; DdDealing with Wwounded Sspirits; Rreaching Yyouth, Bbattling Ppornography, and Hhow to lLove yYour wWife.” Volleyball and shooting. : Evangelist Bob Holmes will take on all opponents for volleyball. Also, a popular event , last year, was our shooting range. The use of firearms with a caliber of .22 or smaller is permitted.Only 22 caliber and smaller is allowed. Speakers Include: Evangelist Harold Vaughan Tom Palmer Evangelist Stephen Vaughan Evangelist Bob Holmes Pastor Jono Scott Major Doug Carragher Want more information? Craig M Scott (720) 988 – —-5097 Ward Smith (303) 841 -—- 4995 Jim Rice (970) 231— – 6189 Michael Clement (Nebraska) (308) 631—-0609 Tim Ricker (Wyoming) (307) 351—-5720 Silver State Baptist Camp 1254 N State Hwy 67 Sedalia, CO, 80135 Now It is the time to start recruiting men, including teenagers, for the Advance event!. Please start planning your time off work for September 2024 from now. It’s time to start recruiting men, including teenagers, for the Advance. Now is the time when you should start to ramp up your recruitment of men to come with you to the Advance. Teenagers welcome! Now is the time to start planning your time off work for September 2024. New Accommodations. Lower Prices. Don’t miss out on early-bird savings — – register now!Do not forget to get registered register soon to take advantage of the savings in the early-bird tier of prices. The price includes two additional luncheslunch on Thursday and through Saturday, as well as a steak dinner on Friday. Check-in will be available from 10:30 am until noon on Thursday.Something special to think about: the price includes two extra lunches on Thursday and Saturday and a steak dinner. . This means that check-in will be from 10:30 AM until noon on Thursday. Registration with RV lodging: $185.00 pp Registration: no lodging $160.00 pp Early bird pricing up through April 1, 2024 Registration in the bunk room: $185.00 pp Registration in a single bedroom: $210.00 pp Pricing up through July 31 Registration in the bunk room: $205.00 pp Registration in a single bedroom: $225.00 pp Pricing after August 1 Registration in the bunk room: $225.00 pp Registration in a single bedroom: $245.00 pp

2023 Preview

2022 Highlights

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.